How to disable adblock program?
AdBlock is a content filtering and ad blocking program, who is available in different web browsers. This is software, which is installed manually by users.
- Click the AdBlock icon in the browser extension area on the upper right-hand corner. (You may see a small number covering part of the icon.)
- Select “Don’t run on page on this site” (Disable filtering on this website” )
- In the “Don’t run AdBlock on … “dialog box, select Exclude. The AdBlock icon changes to a “thumbs up” image.
- Refresh page
Google Chrome browser - turn off AdBlock:
- Open the Google Chrome browser
- With right button, click on the program icon
- Choose "Pause AdBlock on this site" - > "Always" OR click on the button "OFF".
For example:
(!) When program is stopped, its icon is in gray colour, whan the program is active, the icon is red/orange.
To delete AdBlock for your browser:
- Open the Google Chrome browser
- With right button, click on the program icon
- Choose "Remove from Chrome"
4. In pop-up window "Confirm Removal", select "Remove"
- Open Chrome browser settings
- Extensionspage
- Removeor disable AdBlock manually (chrome://extensions/)
FIREFOX browser - turn off (disable) AdBlock:
- Click on the program icon
- Click on the button "Whitelist website"
- Open Mozilla Firefox browser
- On the top of the browser, press on the button Tools "
" , and then choose "Add-ons"
- On the left side click on "Extensions" then against "AdBlock", on the rigth side choose "Disable" (for all sites) or "Options" (if need only for inbox service).
- Next manually add site name to Whitelist and press "Apply Changes".
(!) When program is stopped, the icon should be grey the toolbar, but while the program is active, it is displays on the toolbar as a red icon.
To delete AdBlock:
- With right button, click on the program icon
- Choose "Remove Extension"
- Open the Mozilla Firefox browser
- On the top of the browser, press on the button Tools "
" , and then choose "Add-ons".
3. On the left side choose "Extensions", than against "Ad Block" or "AdBlocker Ultimate" or other AdBlock programm, on the rigth side choose "Remove"
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How to disable AdBlock program?